Lamborghini Vehicles with 360L*: Frequently Asked Questions
Lamborghini Vehicles with 360L*: Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t hear SiriusXM content and / or missing 360L features?

Try these troubleshooting steps:

Step 1- Check for Satellite connection. Try to tune to channel 8 to confirm you are receiving a satellite signal and the radio is active.

-if receiving channel 8- then you have an active satellite connection. Go to Step 2.

-If NOT receiving channel 8, you may simply need to send a signal to your radio. Have the Radio ID or VIN handy, then request a signal. Once received, go to Step 2.

-If the signal request is unsuccessful, check to be sure you have an active demo or paid plan.

Step 2- Check for 360L Streaming connection. Try to tune to channel 703 to confirm you are receiving a streaming signal and the radio is active.

-If receiving channel 703- then you have an active 360L connection and are ready to go.

-If NOT receiving channel 703- To unlock all the content and features that are included in SiriusXM with 360L, proceed with the troubleshooting steps below:

A. Check if Privacy Mode has been activated.

  • Tap “home button” on top left of the radio display
  • Tap “settings” button/soft key
  • Scroll to the “privacy” button and tap it
  • Privacy Mode needs to be deactivated in order for 360L to function properly.
  • If Privacy Mode is Active, deactivate privacy mode by tapping the check box (checked to activate or unchecked to deactivate).

Note: privacy mode activates/deactivates all data services, not service specific

If this does not restore streaming connectivity, proceed to the next step.

B. Confirm whether the vehicle has a good cellular connection. Move the vehicle to a new location and check for channel 703 again. If this does not restore streaming connectivity, proceed to the next step.

C. Power cycle your radio. Turn the ignition off, open and close the driver's door, and wait a full 5 minutes for the vehicle to shut completely off. Every vehicle is different, so it may take some vehicles longer than others to completely power down. After 5 minutes, turn the vehicle back on. If the power cycle is unsuccessful, proceed to the next step.

D. Put the radio in Deep Sleep. Repeat step B, but allow your vehicle to completely power down without interaction for at least an hour. If the above steps were unsuccessful, please call us at 866-635-0179