What services are available to boaters from SiriusXM?
SiriusXM Marine provides graphical weather, fishing info and SiriusXM entertainment via satellite to boaters directly on their multifunction display from the leading marine hardware and marine audio manufacturers. For more information on Fish Mapping visit siriusxm.com/fishmapping.
Who can purchase SiriusXM Marine Weather service?
Due to US Federal Communication Commission rules, only individuals 18 years of age or older with a continental US billing address can purchase our Marine Weather service.
What are the areas where service is available?
SiriusXM Marine Weather subscribers can receive SiriusXM Marine Weather from anywhere within the SiriusXM satellite footprint, which covers the 48 contiguous states, Southern Canada and international waters extending hundreds of miles into the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, the Sea of Cortez, and the Great Lakes. See the Coverage Map.
Where does SiriusXM Marine Weather obtain the information it displays?
The Weather Company (TWC), the industry-leading professional weather service supplier, is the source for the weather information for SiriusXM Marine Weather. For more than 25 years, TWC has served federal, state, and local governments; and the marine, aviation, agriculture, media, and energy industries with expertise in analyzing, forecasting, and presenting weather information. TWC combines NOAA data with information from other government, research, commercial, and proprietary sources, and creates timely, accurate weather information using the most reliable, sophisticated analysis methods and processes in practice today.
How accurate is SiriusXM Marine Weather data?
SiriusXM Marine Weather is comprised of both current conditions and forecasted conditions throughout the SiriusXM service footprint, and we draw the current observed conditions from the most recent and accurate information available. Although predicting the weather always involves a degree of uncertainty, we strive to ensure that forecasts are based on the most reliable source data and computer weather models. Our team of seasoned experts works 24/7 to ensure the highest level of integrity of the process.
How often is the SiriusXM Marine Weather data updated?
SiriusXM data service elements are updated at multiple rates. Dynamic elements like radar, storm cells, and lightning are updated every five minutes, while other more stable data elements could be updated every 60+ minutes. It’s important to note that there are two variables at work with our broadcast weather service: data update rates and transmit intervals. While a product source may be updated every 30 minutes, the same data may be transmitted every 5 minutes. SiriusXM worked with its marine electronics partners to arrive at the optimal cadence of updated data and transmit intervals to ensure customers receive critical information in a timely manner.
Can I get SiriusXM Satellite Radio Service with my SiriusXM Marine Weather service?
SiriusXM Marine Weather receivers allow for the simultaneous reception of both the SiriusXM Satellite Radio Service and the SiriusXM Marine Weather service. Your ability to receive and display SiriusXM Radio channels available via your SiriusXM Marine Weather receiver depends on the capabilities of the navigation system you purchase to work with your SiriusXM Marine Weather receiver. The audio signal is sent via an auxiliary line out to your onboard stereo system. You can also get a separate SiriusXM SXV300 Audio receiver and connect it to any SiriusXM-ready marine stereo headunit. Satellite Radio is optional and available at a discounted rate when added to your SiriusXM Marine subscription whether it’s on the same or a separate receiver.
Who supplies SiriusXM Marine Weather-compatible hardware products?
The industry-leading marine electronics companies all offer compatible SiriusXM Marine Weather receivers (such as Garmin, Raymarine, Simrad, Lowrance, B&G, and Furuno). Visit our SiriusXM Marine website for more details.
Are long-term contracts required for SiriusXM Marine Weather?
No. You can subscribe on a month-to-month basis. SiriusXM will bill your credit card monthly in advance, and you may cancel your subscription at any time. There is a $25 activation fee when you reactivate your service. We also allow customers to “Seasonally Suspend” service at no charge for up to 6 months when their boat is not in use.
Can I suspend my service when my boat is out of the water or not in use for a period of time?
We allow customers to “Seasonally Suspend” service at no charge for up to 6 months when their boat is not in use.
How do I activate my SiriusXM Marine service?
After your receiver is installed, connected to your chartplotter/MFD product and powered up, you can activate your service online or by calling 1-855-796-9847 (Monday–Friday, 8 am–8 pm ET). To activate, be prepared with your SiriusXM radio ID/ESN# for your receiver, billing information, and subscription preferences. Your service will be activated shortly after your Customer Care representative enters the information. Your receiver’s SiriusXM radio ID/ESN# is accessible via the user interface on your weather viewer display.
What are the Terms & Conditions of SiriusXM Marine Weather Service?
Your SiriusXM Marine plan will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current rates. Fees and taxes apply. Please see our Customer Agreement for complete terms and how to cancel, which includes calling us at 1-800-985-9200. All fees, content, and programming are subject to change.
What hardware do I need to access SiriusXM Marine Weather?
You will need a chartplotter/MFD and a compatible receiver from one of the leading marine electronics brands. Our marine service is available on B&G, Furuno, Garmin, Lowrance, Raymarine, and Simrad products using compatible marine receivers. Visit SiriusXM.com/marine for more info.
How much do compatible SiriusXM Marine receivers cost, and where can I buy one?
Receivers vary in price from around $500 to $900 and are available wherever marine electronics are sold, including West Marine or your local marine dealer. Rebates and promotions may also be available from the manufacturers and from SiriusXM. Visit SiriusXM.com/marine for more info.
Where is the best place for the marine receiver or antenna to receive an optimal signal?
Some systems have separate antenna and receiver, and some have a receiver and antenna in a single housing. The antenna requires an unobstructed, clear view to the sky for best weather and data reception. The optimal location for the antenna is as high as possible without any obstructions blocking the view of the sky. If the receiver is separate from the antenna, it should be installed in a dry location with easy cable access to the back of the main MFD onboard.
Who do I contact for questions about using the marine receiver hardware, my SiriusXM Marine service, and billing?
If you have questions about how to use the service on a particular system, you should consult the user guide or the marine hardware manufacturer. If you have questions regarding your SiriusXM Marine service plan or billing, please contact SiriusXM Marine customer care at 1-855-796-9847 (Monday–Friday, 8 am–8 pm ET). If you have technical questions, you can also email us at Marine.Support@siriusxm.com.
Is there an email address for general questions or comments about the SiriusXM Marine Weather service or products?
General inquiries can be directed to our support team via email at Marine.Support@siriusxm.com.
How much does SiriusXM Marine weather cost per month?
There are 4 subscription service plans ranging from $17.99/month to $109.99/month plus any applicable activation fee or taxes. You can pay monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. SiriusXM Radio is an optional separate charge and is discounted when bundled with the Marine subscription. For more details visit SiriusXM.com/marine.
How much does SiriusXM Satellite Radio cost for my boat (combined with Weather)?
SiriusXM Radio is optional and is a separate charge. It is discounted when bundled with the Marine subscription. If you have questions about pricing or adding audio to your SiriusXM Marine service plan, please contact SiriusXM Marine customer care at 1-855-796-9847 (Monday–Friday, 8 am–8 pm ET).
How can I get SiriusXM Satellite Radio (audio service) on my boat?
You can add SiriusXM Satellite Radio to your SiriusXM Marine Service. If your hardware is compatible, you can access and control satellite radio through the same equipment that you use for our weather service. You can also purchase a separate SiriusXM Satellite Radio or tuner and an audio subscription and connect it to the stereo head unit audio system on your boat.
Can I activate my satellite receiver online?
You can activate the subscription plan online or by calling 1-855-796-9847 (Monday–Friday, 8 am–8 pm ET). ET. After you subscribe to SiriusXM Marine, we will send a wake-up signal to your receiver.
If it has been more than a month since I used my SiriusXM Marine receiver, what should I do to ensure that it works when I use it next?
You can send a signal to your receiver at sirusxm.com/signal on your smartphone or computer or call 1-855-697-3373. You will need your Radio ID/ESN.
What is the Radio/Receiver ID number for my satellite receiver, and how do I find it?
Your Radio ID is the unique number which we use to communicate with the device and track all billing information for your receiver. The Radio ID may be printed on the unit itself, or it can be found through the menu of the display device to which it is connected.
Can I temporarily suspend service if I won’t be boating for a while (due to winter weather, maintenance, other)?
Yes. You can suspend your SiriusXM Marine Weather service at no cost for up to 6 months by calling 1-800-985-9200 and asking to suspend.
How do I get a discount for having multiple subscriptions (for example, weather plus radio)?
Satellite Radio is optional and is a separate monthly charge. It is discounted when bundled with the Marine Weather subscription on the same account. Bundle all of your audio subscriptions on the same account to receive additional multi-subscription/Family discounts.
I sold my old boat and bought another one. How do I transfer my SiriusXM subscription to my new boat?
Please call us at 1-800-985-9200 so we can update your account and enable service on your new boat. You will need the Radio ID of the receiver in the new boat. If you sold a boat, please let the new owner know it is equipped with SiriusXM Marine and have them call us at 1-800-985-9200 to subscribe.
What are my payment options for SiriusXM Marine service?
You can pay with a credit card either monthly, semi-annually, or annually. You can also request to be invoiced, but note that there is an additional charge for invoice service.
I live/boat in Canada — where can I purchase SiriusXM Marine weather service?
Due to U.S. Federal Communication Commission rules, only individuals 18 years of age or older with a continental U.S. billing address can purchase our Marine Weather service. To activate service in Canada please call 1-844-823-0843 or visit http://www.siriusxm.ca/marine for more information.
Can I access SiriusXM Marine Weather service via the Internet?
SiriusXM Marine Weather service is currently available through satellites using compatible hardware. Fish Mapping subscribers can access the fishing information through the Fish Mapping App. Available on iOS and Android devices. Visit siriusxm.com/fishmapping to learn more.
What are the advantages of satellite-delivered weather and audio vs. ground-based services like cellular?
The main advantages of satellite-delivered weather and audio is a combination of the continuously updated content and continuous signal over the extensive coverage area. Satellite service is available throughout the continental U.S. and southern Canada as shown on the Coverage Map. Additionally, ground-based service is limited to the proximity to the towers and by obstructions like mountains that can block the signal.
Is SiriusXM good for anglers?
Yes, SiriusXM offers features such as Sea Surface Temperatures that will help you save fuel and locate fish faster. SiriusXM also offers a Fish Mapping plan which includes additional fishing features, such as Fishing Recommendations - prime locations to find specific species, location of Weed Lines, areas of Plankton Concentrations, and more. Learn more about Fish Mapping.